Bible records numerous events that may only be described as “miraculous.” Moses
alone encounters a burning bush, 10 plagues upon the land of Egypt, the pillar
of fire and smoke, and perhaps most famously, the parting of the Red Sea. And
of course there are others. Miraculous healings, water being turned into wine,
and not least of all, people rising from the dead.
people find it hard to accept miracles as historical events. They explain them
away in any number of ways: symbolism to be interpreted as a moral lesson,
exaggerated tales told for dramatic effect, pure mythology, or simple lies.
must confess, one of the things which held me back from Christianity for so
long was my inability to understand miracles. I still hold that the importance of many miraculous events
rests not upon historical accuracy, but in the lessons being taught. That being
said, there is one miracle in particular which cannot be understood as anything
other than an actual historical event: the resurrection of Jesus (refer to 1
Corinthians 15:13-17). Once I understood the implications of rejecting the
resurrection as reality, I began to wonder if other miracles could also be more
than just stories or symbolism.
for those who do not believe, all miracles sound like nothing more than fairy
tales. Any attempt to share Christ with an atheist is doomed to failure if we
cannot step outside of ourselves and find a way to connect the scriptures to
something which will, in turn, resonate with the heart and mind of the person
in question. In other words: they don’t believe the Bible, so any arguments we
provide which make no connections outside of the Bible will ultimately fall on
deaf ears.
can trust me on that, because I used to be one of those people.
of the most used arguments against the reality of miracles is that they exhibit
properties which seem to contradict the very laws of nature. If you can’t
explain it scientifically, it didn’t happen, or so “they” say. But consider,
for a moment, the virtual world of video games.
I’m being serious.

the digital world of WoW is not perfect. At times, a character’s possessions
have been known to inexplicably vanish. Certain items may stop functioning for
no apparent reason. Or worst of all, you might actually fall into an invisible
crack in the ground and become stuck, completely unable to move your character
out of the non-space caused by a glitchy line of code. In those instances, the
all-wise programmers of the game had prepared a system in advance which would
allow for outside assistance from game moderators, or GMs.
example, a GM has the power to reset your character to a previous location,
thus providing for your salvation from the ground having eaten your avatar. GMs
can track down your character’s online history (computers log EVERYTHING!) to
see if your Supreme Sword of Magic Impossibleness did indeed vanish into cyberspace
and, if so, restore it to your inventory. If your Wand of Limitless Band-Aids
stopped working, the GM can fix it. A GM has the ability to fix all of these
things and much, much more. You, on the other hand… do not.
this sound somewhat familiar? It should.
as the programmers who work for Blizzard Entertainment created the magical
universe of WoW, God created our universe. Just as the GM in WoW has the
ability to manipulate the digital world, so our God can manipulate our reality
in ways which we cannot, even though we can clearly see the results of His
actions. In fact, He can do so in ways which we may not only fail to comprehend,
but be unable to observe at all. The Blizzard programmers often send out minor
updates and bug fixes, and have also at times added entirely new realms to the
game via new expansion packs. In much the same way, God has the power to tweak
our reality as He sees fit in ways either miniscule or magnificent. He might
send frogs and flies, or He might part seas or raise the dead.
an avatar in WoW had an actual consciousness, what might be its reaction to GM
intervention? Could the avatar even hope to understand the power of the
Almighty Programmers? Would the avatar’s denial of the existence of a Programmer
make the programmer any less real?
there is a God (and I believe there is), how arrogant would we have to be to
assume that His power to manipulate His own creation is limited to the ways
which we, mere specks within all of that vast creation, could explain and
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